OTS News Southport refuses to apologise for a past malicious article

OTS News has been asked for a public apology for an article that was published on their website in 2018, but has refused.

The malicious article, written by the then editor of OTS News Joel Rodwell, was recorded as a criminal offence by Merseyside Police contract to the Malicious Communications Act 1998.

The article labelled an innocent man as a paedophile and was removed after the police involvement.

Rodwell, who is a professional Golfer, was arrested and interviewed under police caution, however, Joel Rodwell blamed his dead father, Phil Rodwell, who sadly was terminally ill in a Hospice at the time of the incident and passed away shortly afterwards.

It would have been impossible for Phil Rodwell to have committed the offence, which was done with Joel Rodwells personal email address and personal Facebook account.

Joel Rodwell also had a previous grievance with the victim leading to his online attack.

Phil Rodwell on the other hand had no knowledge of the victim.

Due to being unable to interview the deceased, however, lazy Merseyside police closed the investigation and Joel Rodwell walked away free after brandishing his dead father a criminal.

After a recent takedown request was made by Joel Rodwell to remove news articles about his alleged criminal past, OTS News was contacted.

It was then confirmed that Joel Rodwell sold OTS News in June 2020 to James Cave who is now the owner.

James has confirmed that he was aware of past articles relating to OTS News but refuses to apologise on behalf of the OTS News website even though he is aware of the malicious articles that were published on his website.

James believes that the fault is solely that of Joel Rodwell and fails to understand that it was the ‘OTS News website’ that had the published articles, and it is the OTS News website that owes the apology, irrespective of the owner.




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