Maghull’s selfish parkers named and shamed!

This from Sue Kerwin, head at Maghull St Andrew’s primary, writing in the school’s latest newsletter:

‘Parking is becoming more dangerous and there have been examples of children getting out of cars into the road, cars parked opposite zig-zag lines and parking in Damfield Lane while it is closed. When the road re-opens Damfield Lane will be residents only and double yellow lines so you will not be able to park there at all.

‘I know it is difficult at all schools but I will be asking the community police officers and traffic wardens to visit on a regular basis at the start and end of each day. The last thing we all want is child killed through careless parking near to school. The Church extended car park will be open soon.’

The article adds:

‘Several cars parking near the construction site in Damfield Lane are causing obstruction and nuisance for the residents there. Parking there is for residents only. Please park considerately!’

The following cars have been reported:

Range Rover (Black), PF21 MZX;

Nissan (Grey), PF70 ENP;

Audi Q7 (Grey), YP17 VHY;

Kia Sportage (Orange), N44 TMY, blocking access to side gates at old Vicarage;

Vauxhall (Blue), DA20 UYG – blocking access to construction zone;

Audi Q7 (Grey), YP17 VHY – blocking access to construction zone.

And bad parking’s not just an issue in and around Maghull with Sefton Council now considering radical new plans which will see cars parked dangerously forcibly removed by increasing the legal powers of their traffic services department.

Officers will have immediate power to deal with double parking, parking on double yellow lines, parking in residents’ only areas and dangerously at junctions, etc. if the moves are approved.

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