Tyler Livesley, a drug smoking thug riding scooter in the road

This is a photograph of Tyler Livesley who almost caused a serious road traffic accident while he rode an illegal motorised scooter down the middle of Yew Tree Road in Ormskirk while smoking drugs, causing a motorcyclist to take evasive action to avoid crashing.

The motorcyclist approached the drug-smoking thug who said that Lancashire police knew he rode his scooter on the roads and suggested that everyone smokes drugs.

The motorcyclist said “you are riding a scooter down the middle of the road smoking a spliff” to which Tyler Livesley responded “I’m not arsed, everyone smokes spliffs don’t they

Sadly, many people die as a result of drink and drug drivers and riding an illegal scooter while high on drugs is no exception.

If you see Livesey riding his scooter around Ormskirk, please take his photograph and report him to the police before he causes death.


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