£1.5m conman Ashley Hardy sets up sex toy business in Halsall

Ashley Hardy, a convicted conman now living in Halsall, Lancashire with his new business ventures.

Ashly Hardy, of Summerwood Gardens, Halsall is the frontman for Shop UK Online Ltd, an online store that sells everything from stamps to …. adult sex toys.

Shop UK Online Ltd is listed on Companies House as having a single director, Jane Karen Hardy. There is no mention of Ashley Hardy on Companies House records, even though Ashly Hardy is the head of the business.  This is possible to conceal his criminal past from suppliers and customers who have previously fallen victim to his past criminal activities.

Ashley Hardy and his wife, Jane Hardy (formerly Jane Karen O’Neill) are accused of Royal Mail stamp scams and this is published on several informal websites such as http://discountedstamps-scam.co.uk/ as well as the popular Money Saving Expert from as recent as 2014, which would be shortly after his lengthy 8 year prison sentence.


During his criminal lifestyle, Ashley Hardy flew around the world with prostitutes and lavished gifts of luxury cars, clothes and jewellery on them after an elaborate £1.5 million financial scam.

When fraud squad officers called at his former home in Rotherfield, East Sussex, he said: “I have spent the lot. I have been around the world and I’ve had a fantastic time and I’m fully prepared to go to prison.

Ashley Hardy was jailed for eight years at Maidstone Crown Court in November 2002.

Hardy’s accomplice, Collier, 44, from Littlehampton, West Sussex, was jailed for three years after pleading guilty to money laundering.

Ashley Hardy lied to his then-wife of 17 years, Judith, that he was ‘away on business‘ when he hired £300-a-night escort girls, flew first class with them to the Caribbean, Monte Carlo, South Africa, Hong Kong and Dubai, and stayed at luxury hotels.

Shop UK Online Limited operates on Amazon and eBay selling items purchased from local discount stores such as Home Bargains and then selling them at sometimes more than 10 times the purchase price on Amazon.

The Amazon account name is Psycho2 who many would say is an apt name for Ashley Hardy.


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