Help identify Lancashire police officer who assaulted an injured man

An unidentified Lancashire police officer threw clothes on the head of a man who was having a suspected heart attack, simply because the man was unable to get dressed.

Lancashire police have refused to identify the officer who has, never answered for his conduct due to a willful act to hide his identity by Lancashire Constabulary.

This is the video of the incident – note- there is no sound.

It is alleged that Lancashire police have intentionally hindered an investigation into this criminal offence.  It is extremely unlikely Lancashire police cannot identify this police officer, the question is, why would they protect him?

After Sgt Stephen Eckersley and his colleagues had unlawfully stripped Mr Ponting Naked, Mr Ponting began to suffer severe chest pains and a 999 emergency call was made.

Before the paramedics arrived, a police constable (in the picture) approached Mr Ponting at tried to pressure him to put his clothes on, the very clothes that Sgt Eckersley had forcefully removed.

The unidentified officer told Mr Ponting that he wouldn’t want the paramedics to see him naked and when Mr Ponting was unable to dress due to his condition, the officer dumped the clothes on Mr Ponting’s head.

On arrival, the paramedics were shocked to find Mr Ponting naked, beaten and on a dirty cold floor.

They took Mr Ponting to the hospital where he was initially diagnosed as having a heart attack, later, it transpired to be an increase in troponin caused by the police assault.

Since this incident, Mr Ponting has been unsuccessful in seeking justice.

Lancashire police have gone so far as saying they are unable to establish the identity of the police officer, therefore he cannot be held to account.

If anyone can identify the police officer, please contact us and we will relay this information to Mr Ponting so he can further his complaint.

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