Royal Mail Ormskirk – employee accused of theft

Logan Collier, a Royal Mail employee of the Ormskirk sorting office has been accused of theft.

Collier, who lives in Wigan was delivering a parcel to an address that he was prohibited from attending, after a previous incident with the resident.

When the postie arrived at the Ormskirk address, CCTV showed him leave his liveried Royal Mail van (with the door open and the engine running) at 11:04 on 23/9/2021 with a parcel.

The postie was seen to scan the parcel and he proceeded to walk up the path to the front door.

When the postie reached the front door, he made no attempt to deliver the parcel, he then turned around and walked off again with the parcel. As the postie walked back to the van, CCTV captured him ‘clicking‘ his tracker to indicate that the parcel was delivered.

This Royal Mail scanner tracks the employees and the parcels via GPS.  This is to protect customer packages by ensuring safe delivery, but as evidenced, can be abused.

So far, Royal Mail has brushed this off as an ‘oversight‘ but refused to review the CCTV.

The Royal Mail tracking shows that the parcel was delivered at 11:04.  the CCTV proves it wasn’t.

Royal Mail intercepted the rogue postie and another postal worker delivered the parcel later.  The Royal Mail tracking above shows that the package was confirmed as being delivered at 11:04 (by the rogue postie) and then the actual delivery which took place at 11:55.

We are aware that the postie is claiming he never recorded the item as ‘delivered‘ even though the CCTV shows him scanning it and an audible tone can be heard as he walks off.  The above tracking also confirms conclusively that the package was confirmed as Delivered.

Further CCTV shows that the postie also left the postal van door open and the engine running during deliveries.


Unhappy with our article, the postie sent the (below) male to the resident’s home to make threats.  This was also captured on CCTV.


The male went on to contact us at HelloNews and made threats for running this story.


Lancashire Police have been notified and the incident has been crimed as theft.

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