A ‘dam’ fine job at Damfield Lane

Work’s almost complete on making the busy Damfield Lane junction in Maghull safer for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.

Following completion of the improvements at the A59 / Dover Road junction in last April, further improvements were identified for the junction including the extension of cycle routes from Switch Island.

Sefton highway engineers identified Damfield Lane as a priority junction with Northway (A59) with no traffic signals. Right turning vehicles used to cross two southbound lanes, although there was a gap in the wide central reserve providing some safety for vehicles.

The new works have seen:

  • Carriageway widening;
  • Signal crossing upgrades;
  • Shared Footway / Cycleway upgrade.

The existing footbridge has been retained, with new traffic signals providing significant safety benefits to improve the safety for pedestrians with the introduction of ‘at-level’ crossing facilities to supplement the existing footbridge, and improve the safety for vehicles turning into and out of Damfield Lane

The scheme’s seen the realignment of the exit lane from Damfield Lane to facilitate a larger staggered pedestrian refuge. In addition, a traffic island’s now in place to segregate the right turn lane. Controlled crossing facilities will soon go live on Damfield Lane east and west sides as well across the A59.

Meanwhile, double yellow lines will ensure vehicles don’t park too close to the junction, and the two bus stops located between Deyes Lane and the A59 junction have been relocated 150m further south, which means they’re closer to the two new housing developments on Damfield Lane.

Works commenced on 4th January and finishes soon.

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